Navigating The Muddy Waters Of Insurance

business skills Nov 14, 2023

"If nature is free and play is free... Then why would I need to pay $ to insure my Nature Play session? "

😱 - Us

Yes, that was our actual faces when we heard someone was running a Nature Play session WITHOUT insurance.

Not only does this kind of dodgy practice risk people's livelihoods and homes... it also has the potential to completely destroy a whole industry that is supposed to protect childhood and children's right to play in nature.

In this episode, Nicki Farrell & Vicci Oliver (co-founders of The Wildlings Forest School) talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to the potential consequences of neglecting insurance and why it will actually bring you freedom and peace once you have it all sorted.



Nicki & Vicci share their experience on:

💥Why not all insurance coverage is created equal
💥 The importance of aligning your insurance with the unique risks
💥The need to double-check that your insurer covers activities like working with unpredictable outdoor environments.
💥Cutting through the complexity and confusion surrounding insurance coverage

Tune in for this practical episode on the "Business Side" of nature play and how you can best protect your interests and those of the children in your care.




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Register for our FREE 3-Day Training Series 🤫 Nature Play Business Secrets and get the insider info on landing insurance and sourcing the perfect nature play location near you + we’ll show you how to sharpen your critical mindset skills to skyrocket your business success.


Join the waitlist for 🌱 Your Wild Business our once yearly, business accelerator program which hands you the COMPLETE system for building a Nature Play Business deeply rooted in community and purpose.