Is Fashion Stifling Childhood?

child development May 10, 2023

"Look, it has pockets!" said the child as they emptied the rocks, shells, and leaves from the pockets of their new skirt.


And we have to admit, as grown women, we too have twirled in excitement when FINALLY finding a dress or skirt that can fit our wallets, phones, and car keys but it makes us ask the question... 


Are we letting "looks" get in the way of "life" and what kind of message is that sending to our children especially when that comes to nature play?


In this episode, we are sharing our experiences on how clothing is limiting children's ability to play in nature and what you can do to help empower children to live freely.



As you scroll through social media and shop catalogs you see it everywhere.


Children styled in floofy tutus, beige linen, and expensive shoes. 


Parents often follow suit and feel pressured to present their children in such a way that makes them look 'cared for' and fashionable. 


But the reality of such outfits is that they often come with a set of psychological contracts....


"Don't get that dirty or wet" 

"That cost a lot of money"

 and for those who wear skirts.... 

"Keep your legs together!"


That is a heck of a lot of worries to carry in your mind when all you want to do is roly-poly down a grassy hill with your friends.


And let's be honest, children are not meant to be clean, tidy, and upright. 


They're supposed to be messy, wild, and free! 


So it's up to us as adults to start normalising wearing clothes that help them play to their full potential.


Here are our top tips for children's clothes


  1. Pre-Loved Clothing! Op shops, thrift shops, and hand-me-downs will literally free your wallet, mind, and the planet from the expensive and wasteful fast fashion industry. 


  1. Embrace an old pair of sneakers. Thongs and ballet shoes are useless for play. Gumboots are only good for puddles. Old sneakers are flexible and great for water play and tree climbing. 


  1. When it comes to trying on clothing, you need to think like Goldilocks… 


Not too tight  

Not too loose  

Not too light 


Essentially if a child can't spontaneously immerse themselves in nature at any time during their day...their clothes are inhibiting their play, safety, and learning.


Plus, if we (the adults) are not worried about their clothes we can also sink into the awe and wonder of nature as well.


P.S.  At the end of May we are going to be walking through EXACTLY how to incorporate risky play with groups of children, during our free private training for Playworkers, Educators and Aspiring Forest School Leaders ready to learn Wild School Skills.

Apply to get an invitation to our FREE training in May





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  1. Want to learn the "on the ground" skills you NEED to run children's activities with fire, water and hand tools?  Wild School Skills is for play workers, educators and aspiring forest school leaders. Apply now to get an invitation to our FREE training in May  
  2. Are you ready to create your own Wildly Successful Nature Play Business? Head to to access the roadmap to start your own Wild Business. 

  3. Want to find your purpose in 10 minutes? Download our FREE treasure map to find your passion without compromising your educational values.

  4. Want to know how to craft an epic outdoor program that has parents, principals, and directors lining up to enrol? You need Nature Play Now our $57 Workshop and Bundle series (people are saying that this is the best program they’ve ever bought and it's a steal!)