The Truth About The 'Perfect' Natural Play Space

Ever thought you couldn't run a Nature Play program because your site isn't postcard-worthy?   
Newsflash: Picturesque beaches, a bubbling creek, or a lush rainforest are pretty but they are not essential for your Nature Play program.

We repeat they are not essential. 

Today we are discussing place-based learning and how it's actually really important that children connect with their own local environment in a deep and meaningful way.


Nicki and Vicci will share:

🌱The benefits of running programs in dry locations
🌱The three absolute 'must have' facilities for your site
🌱Why picturesque locations could attract 'the wrong crowd' for your programs
🌱Practical ways you can foster deep connections at your nature play site

Join us as we explore why a picture-perfect environment might look great in photos, but can often come with challenges that make long-term engagement difficult. Whether you're a parent, an educator, or simply interested in alternative education and parenting, tune in and we promise to shift your perspective on nature play programs.




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